As many of you know, one of the treasures I found in these past couple of really difficult years is a much, much deeper appreciation of my mother.
She’s had some really hard times, abused as a child and a wife and a mother. And yet, she stayed happy. She never talked about the hard stuff and she gushed about the good moments.
It used to drive me crazy! As a kid, the abuse spilled over onto me in a big way and I felt my mom was avoiding it, rewriting our history, in denial. What the hell?! I was pissed that she was whitewashing it.
I was wrong.
She doesn’t deny what went on. She’s just made a decision to FOCUS on the good. She has practiced gratitude for so long and so regularly that it’s now her native habitat. She chose to find beauty and joy in simple pleasures. She made a CHOICE to be happy.
My mother is one Tough Mother Focuser! (Ha! You probably thought Tough Mother F..’er was going in a different direction! )
Focus is power. From the Law of Attraction, to The Secret, to recent developments in quantum physics, there are now mountains of evidence showing that our thoughts and intentions have concrete substance – they are very consequential. They shape our reality, our experiences, even our bodies.
For the last 30 years my mom’s life has not only delivered freedom from abuse but also beauty, love, joy, financial security. And, as it turns out, greater appreciation from her children than she probably ever could have imagined.
My mom didn’t whitewash or run away from anything. Instead of delusional she’s intentional. She chose to focus on the positive because somehow she knew that life was much more than whatever awful situation we might be dealing with in any given moment. Somehow, despite her very limited and challenging upbringing she knew that often the only thing we can control is how we choose to respond to any given situation and what we choose to FOCUS on.
Looking back I now see that I learned so much from her example. I have big time “Resiliency Muscles” and man, am I ever grateful for them!
Thanks Mom. You have set and continue to set such a beautiful example. Happy Mother’s Day. I am so grateful for, and to, you.
Cylvia Hayes
#CylviaHayes #ResiliencyMuscles
What a delightful post for Mother’s Day. Thank you Cylvia, enjoy the day.