Got Fear? Answers Here (and Now)
Fear is one of our universally shared human experiences. We all deal with it. It’s also one of the most difficult emotions to cope with. Fear likely originally developed as a survival mechanism to help alert us to a stalking saber-toothed tiger or some such. It’s still useful for getting us think twice about jumping […]
Is Your Situation Really What You Think It Is?
I always believed I’d do a TED talk, but I never could have guessed it would be on the topic I wound up addressing and I certainly hadn’t envisioned being on stage in a CLUNKY BROKEN LEG BOOT! Since my talk was about the power and liberation in learning to take back the reins from […]
Are you using Confirmation Bias against yourself?
We’re hearing a lot these days about “Confirmation Bias” in our media choices. This is the tendency we have to only tune into (and be sent info from) media sources that are likely to confirm what we already believe. Because it is challenging for us to admit me might be wrong we gravitate toward messages […]
Slaying the Giant of Limiting Beliefs
It may surprise you but I want to say thank you to the Oregonian newspaper. Without their 3½ years of ongoing attacks I would never have grown and deepened as I have, and am. I truly would have been surprised if they hadn’t launched another one just on the eve of my TEDxBend talk. They […]
Write/ Re-write Your Own Story
Our lives are the result of the stories we tell ourselves. How we experience this life is absolutely driven by our core beliefs about ourselves, others and life in general. This becomes the lens through which we view everything we experience. Do you believe you are smart? Not smart? Basically a good person? Lucky? Unlucky? […]