The ReThink Ministry

In order for humanity to come into a healthier relationship with one another and the rest of nature, we need to rethink many things, including how we design civilizations and systems, and how we view our relationship to the natural world and our fellow species. In other words, we need a shift, an evolution, in consciousness and thinking.

Most of the pressing environmental problems before us – climate change, species loss, plastic pollution – are symptoms of a flawed economic model based on materialism, the drive for limitless growth in consumption, and the belief that humans are a part from, rather than a part of the rest of nature.

The ReThink ministry is grounded in the understanding that all Creation is sacred, and humanity only fully thrives when we are in healthy and respectful relationship with one another and all of life.

The ReThink’s services focus on:

  • Redesigning economic systems and questioning assumptions that are currently undermining environmental health and social justice and equity.
  • Rethinking how humans view and interact with nature, ecosystems, and animal species, particularly those we have commodified.

Click here to view the Sacred Economics Resource Guide for Faith Organizations.